“Tell my wife I am trolling Atlantis! And I still have my hands on the wheel. Ah, yo!” – unclassified probable median tempo chart – BILLY JOEL. ‘Downeaster Alexa’

Billy Joel was born and raised on Long Island, New York, United States.

As one who exudes empathy in his songs, in DOWNEASTER ALEXA he sings about the once reliable lifestyle of the hardworking fisherman who cannot fish as they once did because of pollution and overfishing in the “overkill”.

The lyrics, legally for hobby and personal use in latin –

Bene ego sum, et in Downeaster “Alexa”
Et Ego in illo uagari Clausus Island Novum
Scilicet ego et charted ad vineam pullum
At ego hac nocte Nantucket vinctum
Non tulit retro pellentesque ex hesterno die in Montauk
Hac mane a bell reliquit in Gardiners Bay
Ut omnis hie locus est vendere Ego quoque mea
Superbus est discedere, et digitos meos ad os operatur

Bily Joel -Downeater Alexa –

Ita me habere potui Downeaster “Alexa”
Et quo ad Oceanum est abyssi
Sunt gigantum reputata est et in canyons
Et optimus imperator non laberetur in somnum
EGO got laoreet reddere atque necessarium filios et vestimenta sua
Scio enim de illic ‘pisces: sed ubi? Dominus solus novit,
Dicunt isti quod aquae non sunt, esse solebat,
Sed surrexit populi mei super terram quis numerare

Ergo si vidisti me Downeaster “Alexa”
Et si vos opus cum virga, et turbabuntur
Dic mihi uxor mea certare sumperiphorais ad Atlantis,
Et etiam Ego got manus super rotam

Yay, O
Yay, O
Yay, O

Nunc mea eiciam Downeaster “Alexa”
Quotannis ferme plus fluctibus
Cum autem ad me non possum vendere non stripers
Hie et illic ‘nulla fortuna in swordfishing
Pater esset in conspectu meo: sicut et ego bayman
Non potes facere vivos sicut iam bayman
Non est multum in posterum, qui operatur in mare
Nulla relicta insula non me tamen insulanorum

November 30, 2016

Published by matherton horowitz


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