Paul McCartney’s two part suite – BAND ON THE RUN – declassified tempo map, video embedded.

McCartney + Wings

One of the two part songs that was popular in the 1970s was the song by Paul McCartney, “Band On The Run”. I chose to measure the speed of this harmonic rhythm as from the time I was a child I felt the lift in the song when the speed changes.

For What It’s Worth – Buffalo Springfield – modern tempo map

“Quality never goes out of style”
Hey-Joe-Jimi-Hendrix-TFITM – modern-tempo-map
“Love Jimi Hendrix”
“Timeless song – 50 years old this year.”

I consider band On The Run a two part suite. Paul McCartney> Thank you for spending your life sharing your musical, artistic, political, mathematical talents with everyone! In 500 years Lennon/McCartney will be as Beethoven/Mozart, as Paul suggested.

A surprise video embedded with the suggestion of Matherton –

President Obama saw fore, he saw rain, he saw sunny days that he thought were never end. the felt James Taylor💜.  Who represented the United States in Paris after a rabid feral animal-human attack in Paris by envious hateful sick rabid murderers.


Your speed is individual.  Everyone’s is!  If you like a songs speed write me – you’d be surprised how much you can get out  of me just by asking.  I do this because I want to.  I don’t do it for money.  I do it to *calm people down*.

Why not suggest one list for this mood, one list for that mood, etc?  Because EVERYONE HAS UNIQUE TASTE!  I’d love to work with and play around with music lists with anyone.  The idea that ONE list that works for me is going to work for you? Arrogant? Is Apple or Pandora or Spotify telling you to LISTEN TO MY LIST?  Kinda feels demeaning to me.  I think, dude, I can put my own list together, thanks for trying to shove your taste down my thought.

Peace and respect,

spironicuser, matherton, Jonson

Published by matherton horowitz


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